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Pain & Conditions Resources

Exercises to Reduce Knee Swelling

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Symptoms Explained

Patellofemoral pain syndrome is pain located under and around the kneecap. Also known as “runner’s knee” this condition affects people of all ages and abilities—not...

rotator cuff pain

Physical Therapy for Rotator Cuff Pain

Every year, an estimated two million people see their healthcare providers because of rotator cuff pain. Rotator cuff injuries are common and can often lead...

different types of ankle pain

Different Types of Ankle Pain and What They Mean

Ankle pain has a wide range of causes. It can be linked to a specific trauma to the foot or leg, or be related to...

what is plantar fasciitis

What is Plantar Fasciitis Physical Therapy?

What is Plantar Fasciitis? One in ten people experience persistent foot pain due to plantar fasciitis. Also referred to as plantar heel pain, this shooting...

pelvic health physical therapy

Pelvic Health Physical Therapy For Pelvic Girdle Pain

Women’s health physical therapists evaluate and treat conditions impacting the joints, muscles, nerves and organs in the pelvis. While these conditions can occur in people...

Chronic Pain

6 Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Living With Chronic Pain

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) approximately 50 million adults in the U.S. are living with chronic pain. Pain that lasts...

body pain due to cold weather

Body Pain Due to Cold Weather: Does Temperature Affect Arthritis?

An estimated 58.5 million adults in the U.S. have some form of arthritis. If you are one of them, you may notice your joint pain...

Activities to Avoid With Spinal Stenosis

Activities to Avoid With Spinal Stenosis?

Spinal stenosis due to age or injury is one of the most common causes of chronic pain, especially in older adults. By the age of...

Preventative Physical Therapy

How to Manage Chronic Pain With Physical Therapy

One in five U.S. adults have chronic pain. This equates to more than 51 million people living with pain that affects their daily activities and...

What Are the Final Stages of Spinal Stenosis
Spinal Stenosis

What Are the Final Stages of Spinal Stenosis?

As we age, it is common to experience changes in the spine due to wear and tear. Damage can also occur due to injuries, systemic...

physical therapy for your elbow pain

What to Expect During Physical Therapy for Elbow Pain

Elbow injuries are some of the most common conditions we treat as physical therapists. Whether your elbow pain is the result of a recent injury...

How to Heal a Muscle Strain in Your Back

How to Heal a Muscle Strain in Your Back

You’ve probably pulled a back muscle at some point. Pain and muscle spasms after lifting something heavy or bending or falling in an awkward way...

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