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Pain & Conditions Resources

how to relieve neck pain

How to Relieve Neck Pain With Physical Therapy

Have the stresses of everyday life or the attachment to your screens become a literal “pain in the neck?” Nearly three-quarters of people experience some...

Different types of wrist pain and what they mean

Different Types of Wrist Pain and What They May Mean

Wrist pain can be caused by trauma to the hand, repetitive stress, or systemic conditions that inflame the joints. The location, duration, and type of...

When Can I Do Physical Therapy for a Sprained Ankle

When Can I Do Physical Therapy for a Sprained Ankle?

“When can I do physical therapy for a sprained ankle?”  Starting at the right time can help facilitate healing and get you back to your...

sprained elbow

Common Symptoms of a Sprained Elbow

The elbow joint is one of the most complex in the human body. A sudden, forceful bend or twist in an awkward position can leave...

What Causes Degenerative Disc Disease

What Causes Degenerative Disc Disease?

Around the age of 40, most people develop some degree of deterioration of the rubbery discs that support and cushion the bones of the spine....

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome Exercises

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome Exercises

Tarsal tunnel syndrome is compression of the tibial nerve in the ankle that leads to pain, numbness, or tingling in the ankle and throughout the...

Degenerative Disc Disease

What Are the Stages of Degenerative Disc Disease?

Degenerative disc disease is the wearing away of the rubbery discs located between the vertebra of the spine. Despite the name, it is a natural...

pulled groin symptoms
Pelvic Floor

Pulled Groin Symptoms in Females: Prevention & Treatment Options

A groin pull, or strain, is an injury to any inner thigh muscle. Pulled groin symptoms can be common for any people who play sports...

Things to Avoid With Degenerative Disc Disease
Degenerative Disc Disease

Things to Avoid With Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative disc disease is not so much a disease as a progressive condition that affects the rubbery pads between the vertebrae of the spine. These...

qualities of a good physical therapist

5 Qualities of a Good Physical Therapist

Whether your healthcare provider prescribed physical therapy or you’re able to self-refer for treatment, you might be wondering how to find the right therapist for...

how to prevent heat headaches

How to Prevent Heat Headaches This Summer

If headache pain is putting a damper on your summer plans, you are not alone. According to a CDC report, one in four adults ages...

How to Tell if Your Knee Pain is Serious

How to Tell if Your Knee Pain is Serious

Knee pain is a common—and complex—complaint that affects people of all ages. Pain can result from a recent injury or a known health condition. For...

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