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Physical Therapy Resources

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It’s all about technique, power and endurance

How to Train Your Core

By: Thomas Jackson, PT, DPT, Cert. DN, Cert. SMT Popular exercise regimens often promote core strength as an essential component to fitness. In the medical profession,...

Health & Nutrition

Here’s How to Eat Better and Lose Weight in the New Year

With the start of each new year, millions of Americans resolve to lose weight and live healthier lives. They join gyms or jump on the...


Choosing The Best Workout For You

Exercise is an essential component of fitness and well-being. The benefits are varied and many, as are the options when choosing an exercise program that...

Health & Nutrition

Working from home: How to overcome the negative effects

If you are one of the millions of people working from home because of COVID-19, you might be wondering how to operate safely and productively...

Injury Prevention

Preventing injury when returning to physical activity

The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted many parts of our lives, including keeping us from going to the gym for our normal workouts. Maybe you’ve longed...


Physical Activity & Nutrition Can Boost Your Immune System

We’re told to eat more veggies and fewer carbs, to wear this shoe or try that workout. Nutrition and physical activity are common topics on...


Benefits of Exercise for Osteoarthritis

With the rise of COVID-19, many Americans are camping out on the couch to binge watch their favorite TV shows and movies. While these sedentary...


Exercise May Protect Against Deadly Effects of COVID-19

While there is no strong evidence that it prevents people from getting COVID-19, exercise may help to limit the risk of fatal coronavirus complications. More...


Exercise Can Help You Stay Happy During Social Distancing

While social distancing is critical during a pandemic, social isolation can have a negative impact on our overall health. The changes in our daily routines,...


Exercise Can Help You Stay Happy During Social Distancing

While social distancing is critical during a pandemic, social isolation can have a negative impact on our overall health. The changes in our daily routines,...

Health & Lifestyle

Back to Normal: How Physical Therapy Can Help in COVID-19 Recovery

COVID-19 primarily affects the lungs but also can have heart and muscle/joint complications.  People that have been affected directly by the coronavirus or who have...


Physical Activity and the Immune System: How Therapists Can Help Improve Your Ability to Fight Infections

Most of us know that exercise is good for our health, but we may be less aware of the strong link that exists between exercise...

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