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Physical Therapy Resources

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Simple Strategies to Reduce Post-Workout Swelling

Do you find yourself dealing with painful swelling after a strenuous workout? Maybe you pushed your limits in a tough session only to wake up...

person suffering from foot and ankle pain
Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis vs. Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome: How Are They Different?

Plantar fasciitis and tarsal tunnel syndrome both affect the foot and cause pain and discomfort, but they have different causes and treatments. Learn how to...

concussion recovery
Concussion Care

Winter Sports Safety: Concussion Recovery and Prevention

Winter is here in the U.S., and for many people, that means hitting the rink and the slopes. Skiing, snowboarding, and hockey are great ways...

athlete playing hockey in ice rink

Common Hockey Injuries and How to Avoid Them

It’s not surprising that ice hockey is increasingly becoming one of this country’s most popular team sports. This fast-paced, high-impact sport is exhilarating to watch...

Joint Pain in Cold Weather
Geriatric Therapy

Winter Healthcare: Your Guide to Managing Joint Pain in Cold Weather

In many parts of the U.S., the temperatures have already dropped. And colder days mean stiff, achy joints for many people, especially older adults.   If...

Physical Therapy Goals
Physical Therapy

New Year, New You: Achieve Your 2025 Health, Fitness & Physical Therapy Goals

The start of a new year is the perfect time to make positive changes, say goodbye to bad habits, and improve your well-being. Nearly 80%...

tennis injury
Injury Prevention

The Benefits of Physical and Occupational Therapy for Tennis Players: Injury Prevention and Recovery

Tennis is a fun, fast-paced sport enjoyed by people of all ages. It involves the entire body, and like all sports, the more you play,...

athletic man appearing exhausted and dehydrated from the heat wiping sweat from forehead

How to Prevent Heat-Related Sports Injuries

When the weather is hot and humid, it is harder for the body to cool itself. If your body heat rises too rapidly, or you...

runner stretching to prevent injury
Injury Prevention

8 Stretches to Help Runners Bounce Back from Overuse Injuries

Running is a great way to stay active and fit. However, as a repetitive, weight-bearing, high-impact activity, it also puts considerable strain on the body....

Manage Swelling Post ACL Surgery
Pre/Post Surgery

Managing Swelling After ACL Surgery: The Role of Physical Therapy

ACL reconstruction surgery is a common procedure, with an estimated 175,000 procedures performed annually in the U.S., according to Yale Medicine. While swelling after ACL...

marathon recovery

The Power of Physical Therapy for Marathon Prep and Recovery

Running a marathon is an impressive mental and physical challenge that requires considerable preparation. Whether you are looking forward to your first race or are...

golf injury prevention tips
Injury Prevention

A Guide to Golf Injury Prevention Tips: The Importance of Physical Therapy

Although golf is a leisurely, non-contact activity, it’s still possible to get hurt playing the game. Golf injuries can be caused by improper form or...

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