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Physical Therapy Resources

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Types of Chronic Pain
Shoulder Pain

What to Expect: Rotator Cuff Surgery

The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles/tendons in the shoulder that stabilize the joint, allowing us to move our arms in space and...

Neck causing your headache
Headaches & Migraines

Is Your Neck Causing Your Headache?

Headache disorders affect more than half of the global population. Headache pain, pressure, and throbbing can be so debilitating that they interfere with work, leisure,...


Follow These 6 Tips to Prep for Your First 5K

Whether your goal is to increase your fitness level, accomplish a new athletic goal, or compete against a friend, running a 5K is an excellent...

Physical Therapy

Women’s Health and Physical Therapy

By: Erin Lasher, DPT There is a common misconception that urinary incontinence is a normal part of female aging. Making matters worse, women typically turn...

total hip replacement
Physical Therapy

What to Expect: Total Hip Replacement

Surgeons perform an estimated 300,000 total hip replacement surgeries annually in this country. And with an aging population and seniors wishing to remain physically active...

Spring Chores Burn Calories

Did You Know Your Spring Chores Burn Calories?

The U.S. Surgeon General recommends 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days per week. Did you know that 30 minutes of housework is considered moderate...

LSVT-BIG for Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s: Manage the Disease, Don’t Let it Manage You

by: Thomas Davis, PT, MPT, Area Manager in Raleigh, NC Approximately 1 million Americans are living with Parkinson’s disease, a chronic and progressive movement disorder. Symptoms,...

Physical Therapy

4 Misconceptions About Pain and Physical Therapy

Many people have relied on the expertise of a physical therapist at one time or another. Physical therapists are specifically trained to diagnose movement dysfunctions,...

6 ski tips
Knee Pain

Preventing Ski-Related Knee Injuries

By Christopher Ferlo, PT, Center Manager at Milford Center More than half of skiing injuries involve the lower extremity, with more than 30 percent of...

Protect Your Heart with Subtle Lifestyle Changes
Health & Nutrition

Protect Your Heart with Subtle Lifestyle Changes

Coronary heart disease, a blockage of the arteries supplying the heart, is the most common type of heart disease. According to research, the costs of...


Why Do I Hurt More When it is Cold Outside?

For many people, cold weather is more than inconvenient; it causes a very real increase in pain. If you’ve noticed an increase in pain during...

Muscle Cramp: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Muscle Cramp Causes, Treatments and Prevention

You have probably experienced a muscle spasm or “charley horse” at some time. Muscle cramps or contractions can last anywhere from a few seconds to...

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