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Physical Therapy Resources

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Training Muscles vs. Movement

Kevin Kane PT, DPT- Hilliard,OH Everyone from the weekend warrior to professional athlete knows the value of strengthening to increase performance.  However, how much thought...

women holding head with headache or migraine
Headaches & Migraines

Physical Therapy Can Help Alleviate Migraines

BY: Branden Fleishman,DPT- Mechanicsburg,PA Have you ever experienced a headache that starts as a dull ache and quickly progresses to a throbbing or pulsating pain...

Exercise This Summer

Follow These Steps For a Safe Return to Regular Exercise This Summer

For many people, the summer season marks the time to get back outside and resume their exercise routine. But if it’s been a few months—or...

arthrtis stretches

These 4 Areas Can Help You Reduce Problems Associated with Arthritis

  BY: Ryan Shelton, DPT, OCS, Cert. MDT, Resident Mentor- Lexington Beaumont- Kentucky Center Arthritis describes more than 100 conditions involving inflammation of joints and surrounding tissues....

Understanding the Benefits of Pain

Bone Health & Risk Factors for Osteoporosis

To keep your bones healthy, stay active. Bones are not dull and lifeless, hard and unchanging. Bones are an active and porous tissue that becomes...

Health & Nutrition

Three Tips for Keeping Your Body Safe When You Travel

BY: Ashlee Jones, DPT- Columbia, South Carolina Center It’s the time of year for sunshine, warm temperatures and travel. But with all the discussion of...


Health Tip to Keep You on the Golf Course

BY: Kyle Baiocchi, DPT – Linglestown, Pennsylvania Center As the weather warms and the golf clubs make their way out of the garage, it is...

Injury Prevention

Five Tips For an Injury-Free Little League Season

by: Sarah Harrison – Lexington Beaumont, KY Center Spring in almost here and with it come the crack of the bat, the roar of the...

Concussion Care

Concussion Signs and What To Do When You See Them

by: Brad Yeargin, Columbia SC A concussion is a brain injury in which the brain collides with the inside of the skull. Concussions always are...

Injury Prevention

7 Simple Stretches to Help Prevent Injuries in Competitive Swimmers

by: Amy Morlock – Bel Air, Maryland Center With all this cold weather, we are all looking forward to warmer days and the start of...

Career Tips

ABCs of Being an ATC (Certified Athletic Trainer)

by: Brad Yeargin – Columbia, SCCertified athletic trainers (ATCs) specialize in the prevention, recognition, evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries among the active...

Injury Prevention

Safe Snow Shoveling Tips

BY: Mark Young, PT, DPT, Center Manager of Flanders, NJ Center Don’t injure yourself trying to clean up after the storm.  Snow removal can be...

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