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Physical Therapy Resources

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Preventative Physical Therapy

How to Manage Chronic Pain With Physical Therapy

One in five U.S. adults have chronic pain. This equates to more than 51 million people living with pain that affects their daily activities and...

What Are the Final Stages of Spinal Stenosis
Spinal Stenosis

What Are the Final Stages of Spinal Stenosis?

As we age, it is common to experience changes in the spine due to wear and tear. Damage can also occur due to injuries, systemic...

what does cryotherapy do

Beginners Guide to Cold Therapy: What Does Cryotherapy Do?

Cold therapy, also known as cryotherapy, is a technique that exposes the body to extreme cold temperatures to achieve certain health benefits. While cryotherapy as...

physical therapy for neurological disorders

Physical Therapy for Neurological Disorders

Neurological disorders are the leading cause of cognitive and physical disability worldwide. These conditions affect the structures that control communication between the brain and different...

physical therapy for your elbow pain

What to Expect During Physical Therapy for Elbow Pain

Elbow injuries are some of the most common conditions we treat as physical therapists. Whether your elbow pain is the result of a recent injury...

common school injuries

Common School Injuries and Accidents

If you have children, you probably hope for an injury-free summer. But now that school is back in session, parents, guardians, and teachers should be...

Common Workplace Injuries

How to Prevent Common Workplace Injuries

Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics offers surprising insight into just how many people are hurt on the job. In 2021, more than...

How to Heal a Muscle Strain in Your Back

How to Heal a Muscle Strain in Your Back

You’ve probably pulled a back muscle at some point. Pain and muscle spasms after lifting something heavy or bending or falling in an awkward way...

Overuse Injuries

Overuse Injuries and How to Prevent Them

The human body is uniquely designed to adapt to increasing loads over time. Our bones, muscles, and connective tissues get stronger as the intensity of...

Postpartum Physical Therapy

Postpartum Physical Therapy

During pregnancy, the body undergoes immense changes to accommodate the growing fetus. For many, these changes are quite painful. After pregnancy, many individuals find their...

how to relieve neck pain

How to Relieve Neck Pain With Physical Therapy

Have the stresses of everyday life or the attachment to your screens become a literal “pain in the neck?” Nearly three-quarters of people experience some...

Different types of wrist pain and what they mean

Different Types of Wrist Pain and What They May Mean

Wrist pain can be caused by trauma to the hand, repetitive stress, or systemic conditions that inflame the joints. The location, duration, and type of...

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