Things to Avoid With Degenerative Disc Disease

Things to Avoid With Degenerative Disc Disease


Medically reviewed by Misty Seidenburg

Degenerative disc disease is not so much a disease as a progressive condition that affects the rubbery pads between the vertebrae of the spine. These spinal discs are susceptible to damage from aging, disease, and injury.

Degenerative disc disease refers to damage that has progressed to the point that it causes back pain and stiffness. We’ll show you what not to do if you have symptoms related to disc degeneration—and recommend positive changes you can make to increase mobility and ease pain. That makes for a happier and healthier back.

In this article:

  • Understanding Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Signs and Symptoms of DDD
  • DDD Do’s and Don’ts
  • Benefits of Physical Therapy for DDD

Understanding Degenerative Disc Disease: Why it Happens and How it Feels

The human spinal column is comprised of 23 vertebral discs that rest between the bony backbones (vertebra) that form the vertebral column. Each disc contains two parts. The annulus fibrosus is the rigid outer core of tough collagen fibers. The nucleus pulposus is the soft inner core that contains a microprotein gel.

Spinal discs have several important jobs:

  • They serve as durable protection to hold the spine together.
  • They provide some mobility and flexibility in the spine, allowing you to bend and twist.
  • They cushion the vertebra and function as shock absorbers, resisting the force of various motions.

For some people, the inside of these discs loses fluid or dehydrates. This is called disc desiccation. If that happens, the gel within them that was once flexible and supple becomes hard and brittle. The discs flatten as this fluid is excreted, increasing pressure on the disc and spinal nerves.

Most people begin to experience some spinal degeneration around age 40. It’s a natural part of aging. In some cases, a previous back injury or high-intensity sports and activities can accelerate disc wear and tear. Also, certain lifestyle habits can either contribute to a healthy spine or increase your risk of pain and problems.

Degenerative Disc Disease Signs and Symptoms

Pain is the most common symptom of DDD. It is often described as pain that:

  • Feels worse after sitting
  • Typically affects the lower back
  • Can occur in the neck and radiate down the arms
  • Is more severe after bending or twisting
  • Comes and goes for days and weeks at a time

In addition to back pain, DDD sometimes causes numbness in the arms and legs and leg pain and weakness after walking or exercising.

Keep in mind that back pain is a common and complex health concern. It can indicate a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions. Always see your healthcare provider if you have severe or unexplained back pain to get a proper diagnosis and determine the best course of treatment.

Degenerative Disc Disease Self-Care: Dos and Don’ts for Relief

Now, let’s focus on ways to protect your spine, prevent further damage, and limit the progression of back pain.

1. Avoid prolonged positions.

Movement is healthy for the spine. Sitting for long periods reduces blood flow to different structures of the back. Frequent movement can help keep the joints of the spine lubricated and helps to provide nutrition to the discs.

While posture doesn’t correlate with back pain—although this has been a long-held belief—certain postures can aggravate symptoms if you are already experiencing back pain.

Try this instead: Ensure your spine is flush against your chair when sitting. Use a small towel roll on the small part of your back to support the spine’s natural curvature. Roll your shoulders back and down.

Keep your feet flat on the floor, hip-distance apart. If you work at a desk, rest your arms on your work surface at a 90-degree angle. Get up and take frequent walk breaks to ease pressure on your discs.

2. Avoid improper lifting.

If you are in pain, keeping a neutral spine while lifting can be beneficial. Individuals with low back pain are known to have a stiffer squat and change their mechanics compared to people without pain. If you don’t have any back pain, keep doing it!

Try this instead: First, see if someone can help you move or lift the item. Sharing the task distributes the load and reduces the strain on your spine.

3. Avoid overusing medications.

Over-the-counter pain medications can be used for temporary relief, but they are not recommended for long-term use. Prescription medications are also effective, but they come with a risk of side effects and dependency.

Your provider may recommend:

4. Avoid inflammatory foods.

The body’s immune system activates when it encounters anything it doesn’t recognize, from viruses and bacteria to chemicals and foreign particles. Because these substances are unfamiliar, the body goes into “attack” mode, sending out inflammatory cells to fight invaders and heal damaged tissue.

Acute inflammation is normal and healthy, like when you cut your knee, and your body sends inflammatory cells to that area. Chronic inflammation happens over time when a body can’t repair and overcome the level of damage as it occurs.

It can also occur even in the absence of damage. In this case, the body will continue to send white blood cells (like soldiers going into battle) into overdrive, attacking healthy tissues and organs. That’s not ideal for someone with a degenerative condition.

Certain foods can contribute to increased inflammation. Try to cut them out of your diet as much as possible:

  • Fried foods
  • Soda and other sugary drinks
  • Shortening, margarine, and lard
  • Chips, cookies, crackers, and other snack foods
  • Ham, bacon, and other processed and red meats
  • Refined carbohydrates, including white bread, white rice, pasta, and pastries
  • Even some healthy foods called nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, and onions) can contribute to inflammation

Try this instead: It may not be easy, and you may have to say goodbye to your favorite snacks, but if you add more anti-inflammatory foods to your diet, you will feel and move better. You’ll also lower your risk of several chronic health problems, including diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and arthritis.

Foods that fight inflammation:

  • Olive oil
  • Legumes
  • Avocados
  • Tomatoes
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Berries and citrus fruits
  • Almonds, walnuts, and other nuts
  • Spinach, kale, and other leafy greens
  • Fatty fish: salmon, tuna, sardines, and mackerel

5. Ease into high-impact exercise.

Exercise is possible with DDD and recommended. But before you hit the pavement for a run or break out the kettlebells, make sure your favorite activities are safe for your back.

If you have back pain associated with degeneration, a spinal disc issue, or are just starting to notice mild lower back pain when you do heavy activity, here are some things to keep in mind.

Some high-impact activities, especially those involving heaving, pushing, pulling, or lifting, might aggravate your back right now. But very often, you can progressively work back toward these activities. Your back is resilient and can get better with time.

 Try this to start: There are plenty of safe, gentle ways to get moving and stay fit at every age and stage of life. Yoga, tai chi, and aquatic therapy are low-impact ways to ease into activity and can help you gain muscle strength and mobility.

When you’re ready for more: Gradual introduction of heavy weights is not only safe but can also improve older adults’ vitality and longevity. Lifting heavy things is just a part of life, from doing the laundry to cleaning up the yard.

We all need to do these things, regardless of age. To get the most out of a strength-training program, it is best to consult with a physical therapist to safely guide you through the exercises and weights that are right for your body and your goals.

What Is the Best Pain Relief for Degenerative Disc Disease? Physical Therapy May Hold the Answers

To stay active and mobile with DDD, consider a self-referral to a skilled physical therapist. Physical therapy offers safe, gentle, structured stretching and exercise to promote healthy spine movement and function and provide much-needed pain relief.

Your therapist creates a customized program to manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life through hands-on manual therapy, joint and soft-tissue mobilization, and other evidence-based treatments. They also offer exercises and stretches you can do at home to keep the momentum going, along with education and lifestyle tips to promote a healthy spine and body.

As we get older, some spinal degeneration is inevitable. But there is so much you can do to maintain strength, balance, and stability well into the golden years. Find a physical therapy clinic near you to schedule an evaluation today.


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Medically reviewed by

Misty Seidenburg

Vice President of Clinical Programs

Dr. Misty Seidenburg has been a practicing physical therapist since 2006 after obtaining her Doctor of Physical Therapy Degree from Gannon University. Dr. Seidenburg completed an Orthopedic Residency in 2009 and subsequent Spine Fellowship in 2010 where she discovered a passion for educating clinicians. Since 2019, she has developed and refined several post-professional residency and fellowship programs and currently serves as the Vice President of Clinical Programs for Upstream Rehab Institute. She serves on several APTA committees to help advance the profession, is adjunct faculty at Messiah University, and is also a senior instructor and course developer for the Institute of Advanced Musculoskeletal Treatments with a special interest in exercise integration. Outside of work, she enjoys challenging herself with new adventures and is currently competing as an endurance athlete.

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