For many people with hand or wrist pain, physical and occupational therapy can be just as effective as surgery.
The wrist and hand play an integral role in everyday functioning. Hand and wrist pain can come from many different causes. You may be referred to physical therapy as a conservative approach to care for your symptoms or post-surgical rehabilitation.
A specially trained physical therapist or occupational therapist will complete a comprehensive evaluation and create a customized program that will focus on restoring range of motion, strength, sensation, nerve mobility, and the ability to complete functional activities.
Your examination may include screening the entire upper quarter, including the shoulder and neck, as dysfunction found in these areas can contribute to the wrist and hand symptoms.
Your treatment for hand and wrist pain may include:
You may be seen by a Certified Hand Therapist (CHT), a physical or occupational therapist with extensive and advanced training in treating both common and complex wrist and hand diagnoses.
*Services are not available at every location. Visit our Locations page for more details.